Joe's Second Month

March 27, 2023

I’m happy to say I’ve now been working with the team here at 3CT for just over two months. When I first started my journey here I mentioned how I felt as if I was just starting to scrape the surface of this very large sector. While I still feel as if there is no end to the amount that I can learn, I believe that I’ve made good headway in understanding some of the practices and policies.

In particular I have been spending a large portion of my time learning about ISO270001 and what it takes in order to be compliant with its standards. This has mostly been done by going through companies existing policy documents and identifying what they have that is in line with the standards and what information they’re missing. While this has been challenging I feel as if I have made some solid steps in the right direction. 

I have also had the opportunity to take and learn about the cyber essentials process and what it aims to do. This has been incredibly interesting as it has given me the opportunity to interact with others from completely different sectors and get feedback as to why they decided to take part in the scheme.

I am excited to say that I am going to start putting what I have learnt over the recent months into practice, and start to actively look at training courses and qualifications to help develop my skills even further! Once I have achieved this next mile stone, I feel as if I’ll have taken another step in the right direction to furthering my new career in cyber security.